Monday, April 15, 2013


     It is crazy to think that almost three months have gone by with my amazing second graders.  Life has changed immensely since I first started teaching.  I have learned more from my 35 students in just a few short months than any teacher could have ever taught me.  I entered this profession as a girl wanting to become a teacher, and in the meantime, I have learned so much more than simply being a teacher.  Within two and a half months, I have taken on the job of "mom" (I'm called "Mom" at least once a day from one of my students... and then I start to convulse....), "nurse" (I have used more bandaids on my students that could have lasted me a lifetime... maybe I should stop buying Lisa Frank and Candy Land band-aids, and stick to the plain ones... hopefully there will be less of a need for them in the future.), guidance counselor, a therapist for my 2nd grader's friends and so-called "crushes," and even school janitor (as I am constantly disinfecting everything that my little sweethearts have laid there hands on).
     More than anything, they have taught me how to truly love.  Being a teacher not only makes you feel so incredibly loved and valued, but it also makes you feel as though these children need you and depend on you.  I have learned how to truly "love" for the first time in my life.... these kiddos are truly the loves of my life.  They have provided me with the most life changing experiences... showing me how to not take life too seriously, and to treasure every moment of happiness (these moments are the things that I reflect on before falling asleep at night, not the "not-so-good" memories from throughout the day.)
      As of right now, I am probably not the best disciplinarian... How can I possibly put on an angry face and be upset as I have students writing notes to each other saying, "I'm going to devour you," getting into fights about "Your momma" jokes,  yelling "Jesus Christ" as they are being tattled on, or even coming clean to me about accidentally saying that a classmate looks "Pissed off" when they  had meant to say that the classmate looked "mad."  Keeping a straight face has been a huge struggle for me.... all I seem to have are moments of weakness... who knew 2nd graders could be SO funny!  The number of times that I have had to turn away from the students to laugh and try to put back on a straight face is countless.  I can honestly say that no one has ever brought me more joy or happiness in my life than these 35 students.  No, not every moment is perfect.  Yes, I have been called "mean" once or twice.  No, not every lesson turns out the exact way that I want it to, and yes, there are days that I want to pull my hair out and cry myself to sleep at night.  The amazing thing about being a teacher is that each day is a NEW day... each new day brings new smiles, new laughter, a new love for someone's ability to stand out from the crowd and be different, a new task battled and conquered, and each new day brings new learning experiences for both the students and myself.
      They say that teachers teach to change lives... in my case I hope that this is exactly what I am doing for the students in my class.  I can equally say, however, that they have changed my life just as much, if not more that I have changed theirs.  They have been the most amazing little family to spend my weekdays with; helping each other through much more than the events that occur within the school walls.  No wakes me up on tired Mondays, tells me I look beautiful with my glasses on and my hair in a pony tail, hugs me, or laughs at my quirkiness like they do.  :)
     None of my students are perfect, and neither am I, which makes us a great fit.  No matter the struggles and disagreements that I encounter with some of my students, I wouldn't trade any of them for the world...... I thank God for giving me a class that understands each other, where I can act just as crazy and young as they are (at times) and that hugs, laughs, and sharing words of love are contagious, and shared as often as needed (it's almost like they have a sixth sense, and can tell when you need that extra hug/laugh).  Thank you god for giving me students that worry about themselves and myself as much as I worry about them and myself.... We are a happy little family.... addicted to WebMD and Anatomy... (I love the self-diagnosis's they give to themselves... "Miss Straka, I'm pretty sure those green things on my arm are veins, but they reallllllly hurt."  <<< Can you say "future child?"   I'm thankful for many things in my life, but after reflecting on my life tonight, I can honestly say that I have never been happier nor felt more loved and treasured in my entire life.  Never have I loved anyone as much as my family... until I met all 35 of my truly amazing little people in room 9.

Hopefully I will have time to post more on my blog in the upcoming weeks... life has never been busier.... I am finally getting into the groove of things and finally, for the first time in seven months, allowing myself a little more "me" time.

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